Author: Tera Cline

TCC Meeting

Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC): Consisting of staff from member governmental agencies and transportation agencies, the TCC acts as an advisory board to the WMPO Board. Regular meetings are generally held at 10:00 a.m. on the second-to-last Wednesday of each month, except December. For other exceptions, please see adopted meeting schedule here. The agenda is available.

WMPO Board Meeting

MPO Board (Board, formerly TAC):  The WMPO Board sets policy direction and approves all WMPO plans, projects, and proposals. Regular meetings are generally held at 3:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month, except December. For any other exceptions, please see adopted meeting schedule here. This meeting will be held 6th Floor Training Conference Room, […]

Public comment opportunity: 2024-2033 STIP/MPO Amendment # 24-3

The WMPO’s 2024-2033 STIP/MPO Amendment # 24-3 is now available. Review the document here: A printed copy of document can also be viewed at the WMPO office at 929 N. FRONT STREET, FIRST FLOOR Wilmington NC 28401. An important part of this process is providing the public with an opportunity to comment. The public comment […]