The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Board will meet on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. at the Wilmington Convention Center, 10 Convention Center Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401. The meeting will be held and conducted remotely pursuant to Section 4.31 of Senate Bill 704 (Session Law 2020-3).
The Board sets priorities for regional transportation planning initiatives for the Wilmington Urban Area. Also, the Board adopts a schedule of approximately 11 meetings each year. All meetings are open to the public. Meetings typically fall on the last Wednesday of each month except December and where otherwise noted.
A public comment period is reserved at the beginning of each regular meeting of the Board. Please call (910) 341-3258 and leave a message or e-mail your comments to Public comments are limited to three minutes each and will be read or listened to at the beginning of the meeting.
The Board is comprised of elected officials from local governments in the Wilmington area and the NC Board of Transportation. For a list of current voting members, click here.