The Surface Transportation Block Grant-Direct Attributable (STBG-DA) provides flexible funding that may be used for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway; bridge and tunnel projects on any public road; pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals. Member jurisdictions may request STBG-DA resources to implement relevant transportation projects and must apply to be considered for funding allocation. Interested parties may contact for additional information.
Important Dates:
- Call for Projects: July 5, 2024
- Pre-application Review: August 9, 2024
- Submittal Deadline: September 13, 2024, 5pm
FY24 Documents:
The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) infrastructure package was signed into law on November 15, 2021, revising and expanding the funds available for qualifying projects. Several elements of the new bill allow for greater flexibility in the application of federal funds to infrastructure projects. The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) is the recipient of allocated funds for Surface Transportation Block Grant Direct Attributable (STBG-DA), Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TASA), and Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) in the following amounts for the federal fiscal year of October 1, 2024 thru September 30, 2025:
- Direct Attributable (DA): $4,502,892
- Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TASA): $567,813
- Carbon Reduction Program (CRP): $543,444
(Note: There is some flexibility with allocation of funds across the above categories.)
The funds will be awarded in a manner similar to past allocations made via the Surface Transportation Block Grant – Direct Attributable (STBG – DA) and amended provisions contained in 23 U.S.C. 133. STBG funds have broad latitude for use on metropolitan transportation planning and projects and in support of the Federal-aid system per 23 U.S. C. 133. Specific eligibility criteria and guidance can be found through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) at
The IIJA funds are available for obligation until September 30, 2026, with any amounts not obligated on or before this date to be returned. Furthermore, the Federal share payable shall be up to 80% percent of qualifying costs. All projects, including public transportation projects, requesting STBG-DA, TASA-DA or Carbon Reduction funds must submit a formal funding request. A competitive process will be used to determine which projects are funded.
The three main categories are summarized below. Additional information is available on the FHWA website for STBGP administration:
Surface Transportation Block Grant – Direct Attributable (STBG-DA)
The Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) provides flexible funding that may be used for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway; bridge and tunnel projects on any public road; pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals.
Surface Transportation Block Grant – Transportation Alternatives Set Aside (TA-DA, or TASA-DA)
The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TA) provides funding for a variety of projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities; construction of turnouts; overlooks and viewing areas; community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management; environmental mitigation related to storm water and habitat connectivity; recreational trails; safe routes to school projects; and vulnerable road user safety assessments.
Surface Transportation Block Grant – Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)
The purpose of the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is to reduce transportation emissions through the development of State carbon reduction strategies and by funding projects designed to reduce transportation emissions.
You may submit any questions or inquiries to Final submittals should be digital format (file transfer) with two (2) hard copies for review.