Announcements & Events

WMPO Board Meeting

Feb 26 2025

MPO Board (Board, formerly TAC):  The WMPO Board sets policy direction and approves all WMPO plans, projects, and proposals. Regular meetings are generally held at 3:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month, except December. For any other exceptions, please see adopted meeting schedule here. This meeting will be held in the WMPO Conference Room at 525 N. 4th Street, Wilmington, NC 28401.

The WMPO’s current planning area boundary includes New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Town of Wrightsville Beach, Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Kure Beach, northern portions of Brunswick County, Town of Belville, Town of Leland, Town of Navassa, and southern portions of Pender County. Elected officials from each of these member jurisdictions comprise the WMPO Board, in addition to an elected official serving on the Cape Fear Public Transportation Authority’s Board and a member of the North Carolina Board of Transportation appointed by the Governor.

The agenda will be posted when available.

Go Coast Committee Meeting

Feb 20 2025

Go Coast Committee: Representatives from the WMPO’s member jurisdictions and local employers work to advance alternative transportation through the WMPO’s Go Coast program. Regular meetings for this Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program are held quarterly. Visit for more information.

This meeting will be held from 3-5 PM at the WMPO Offices, located at 525 N. Fourth Street, Wilmington.

The agenda will be posted when available.

WMPO Board Re-Elects Officers for 2025

At the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) Board meeting on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, Hank Miller, Mayor Pro-Tem of Wrightsville Beach, was re-elected as Chairman, and Luke Waddell, Councilmember with the City of Wilmington, was re-elected as Vice Chairman for a one-year term. Officers are elected at the first meeting of each year. The motion to re-elect both officials was carried unanimously by the Board.

Both Miller and Waddell bring extensive leadership experience to their respective roles, having each previously served in these positions. Their re-election reflects the Board’s confidence in their leadership and vision for the future of the organization.

Chairman Miller and Vice-Chairman Waddell look forward to continuing their leadership in guiding WMPO’s initiatives to improve transportation across the Cape Fear region. To view the complete WMPO Board of Directors, click here.

WMPO Launches Inaugural Newsletter

Feb 5 2025

The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) is excited to introduce its new bi-monthly newsletter, an initiative aimed at strengthening communication with member jurisdictions and keeping communities informed about regional transportation planning efforts.

The newsletter aims to provide important updates on policy developments and funding opportunities; project timelines and public comment opportunities; staff highlights, and upcoming events. It serves as a key resource to help members better understand WMPO’s work, stay engaged, and be informed about local and regional transportation planning. To view the inaugural issue, sent January 17th, click HERE.

Moving forward, the newsletter will be distributed via email every other month, with potential for future publication on the WMPO website. It also complements WMPO’s social media initiatives, providing another avenue for engagement and outreach.

Stay informed–sign up today to receive future editions straight to your inbox:

  1. Click the link above and enter your email address.
  2. Under ‘Department News,’ check the box for WMPO.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Scroll down to select any additional WMPO updates you’d like to receive.
  5. Click Submit again to confirm your subscription.

Public Comment Opportunity: WMPO’s FY26 UPWP (Budget)

The WMPO’s draft FY26 UPWP (Unified Planning Work Program) is now available. 

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is a framework for the planning activities and efforts that the WMPO will undertake for the fiscal year. Serving as both a budget and guide, the UPWP is adopted on an annual basis in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) guidelines. The UPWP illustrates the funding allocations from federal transportation planning funds, including highway and transit programs. An example of a few items outlined in the UPWP include traffic volume counts, bicycle and pedestrian planning, special studies, and public involvement.

Review the document here along with our current and previously adopted UPWPs. A printed copy of document can also be viewed at the WMPO office at 525 N 4th St., Wilmington NC 28401.

An important part of this process is providing the public with an opportunity to comment. The public comment period will be open from January 29, 2025, until 5 pm on February 28, 2025. All comments can be e-mailed to or sent via U.S mail to:

Wilmington Urban Area MPO
PO Box 1810
Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1810

For more information, please email

TCC Meeting

Feb 12 2025

Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC): Consisting of staff from member governmental agencies and transportation agencies, the TCC acts as an advisory board to the WMPO Board. Regular meetings are generally held at 10:00 a.m. on the second-to-last Thursday of each month, except December. For other exceptions, please see adopted meeting schedule here. The agenda will be posted when available.

Bike/Ped Advisory Committee Meeting

Feb 11 2025

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) advises the WMPO Board regarding bicycle and pedestrian programs, projects, policies, and safety. The committee meets bimonthly. More information is available here.

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